Fetal descending aorta/umbilical artery flow velocity ratio in normal pregnancy at 36-40 weeks of gestational age

Research Article  
American Journal of BioMedicine Volume 3, Issue 10, pages 674-685
Received July 03, 2015; accepted September 16, 2015; published October 30, 2015

Riyadh W Alessawia mail of corresponding author


Doppler velocimetry studies of placental and aortic circulation have gained a wide popularity as it can provide important information regarding fetal well-being and could be used to identify fetuses at risk of morbidity and mortality, thus providing an opportunity to improve fetal outcomes. Prospective longitudinal study conducted through the period from September 2011–July 2012, 125 women with normal pregnancy and uncomplicated fetal outcomes were recruited and subjected to Doppler velocimetry at different gestational ages, from 36 to 40 weeks. Of those, 15 women did not fulfill the protocol inclusion criteria and were not included. In the remaining 110 participants a follow up study of Fetal Doppler velocimetry of Ao and UA was performed at 36 – 40 weeks of gestation. Ao/UA RI: 1.48±0.26, 1.33±0.25, 1.37± 0.20, 1.28±0.07 and 1.39±0.45 respectively and the 95% confidence interval of the mean for five weeks 1.13-1.63. Ao/UA PI: 2.83±2.6, 1.94±0.82, 2.08±0.53, 1.81± 0.12 and 3.28±2.24 respectively. Ao/UA S/D:  2.14±0.72, 2.15±1.14, 1.75±0.61, 2.52±0.18 and 2.26±0.95. The data concluded that a nomogram of descending aorto-placental ratio Ao/UA, S/D, PI and RI of Iraqi obstetric population was established.

Keywords: Pregnancy;  Doppler velocimetry; Fetal abdominal aorta; Prospective longitudinal study; Umbilical artery

Copyright © 2015 by The American Society for BioMedicine and BM-Publisher, Inc.



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