Systemic failures in septic shock patients/main biomarkers


doi: 10.18081/2333-5106/015-05/206-219  
American Journal of BioMedicine Volume 3, Issue 5, pages 206-219
Published: 21 May 2015

Noémi da Silva, Daniel Kopper, Sevgi González-Hernández


Severe sepsis is sepsis causing poor organ function or insufficient blood flow. Insufficient blood flow may be evident by low blood pressure, high blood lactate, or low urine output. Septic shock is low blood pressure due to sepsis that does not improve after reasonable amounts of intravenous fluids are given. The chemicals released into the blood to fight the infection trigger widespread inflammation. This leads to blood clots and leaky blood vessels. The aim of this review is to present an new biomarkers supporting the diagnosis of systemic failuer after sepsis, and it will cover their utility as new diagnostic tools, predictors of outcome, and as novel therapeutic targets.

Keywords: Severe sepsis; Systemic failure; Inflammation; Biomarkers

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