Month: May 2014

Risk of gonococcus gonorrhea infection among women who report sex with women: a prospective study

[Limited Access]      HTML         Full Text-PDF American Journal of BioMedicine  Volume 2, Issue 5, pages 598–607, May 2014 Steve R Cudeck;  Matthew Platt; Xiang-Sheng Song; Allan Nielsen; Moritz Walker; Slocum Rothschild; Rueda Bennett; Ezcurra Huggett; Phillips J Drancourt; Bin Lee Abstract Infections caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) are major public health problems globally. The objective of this study […]


IL-37/IL-18Rα complex: receptors, signaling and pathogenesis of diseases

Christopher Schultz,  Andrew Morin, David B. Greig*     Abstract The interleukin 1 (IL-1) family, a subset of cytokines consisting of IL-1a and IL-1b, in addition, seven novel IL-1 family members have been identified based on their sequence homology, three-dimensional protein structure, gene location and receptor binding profile. These proteins are now termed IL-36Ra, IL-36a, […]

Sexual satisfaction in pregnancy: a cross section study in Japan

[Limited Access]      HTML         Full Text-PDF American Journal of BioMedicine  Volume 2, Issue 5, pages 589–597, May 2014 Yunhee Iba; Ya-Ping Onozuka; Kenji Chaves; Nobuhito Goto; Viktoria Nakamura; Yoshikazu Nagata; Rie Nabae; Hitoshi Onozuka; Tsugumichi  Mutterlose Abstract   Sexuality is one of the most important quality of life issues for both men and women. Sexual dysfunction is a […]
