Guide for Authors

American Journal of Biomedicine listed and follow the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), for more details see The uniform requirements and specific requirement of American Journal of BioMedicine are summarized below. Manuscripts should bear the full name and address, with telephone, fax, and email of the author (corresponding author). For all authors, first name and surname should be written in full. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the content.

American Journal of BioMedicine publishes the following article types:

  • Research articles
  • Database articles
  • Case reports
  • Software articles
  • Study protocols
  • Abstracts
  • Review articles
  • Editorial letters

Manuscript process

The manuscript submitted through our journal system and if any technique difficulty the author can submit as doc, docx file through editor email. After the manuscript submission by the author/s, It must be have:

  1. Manuscripts should be written in simple, concise and grammatical English, within the size limits specified for each type of article, prepared according to the guidelines below.
  2. The main text of the manuscript should be written in a standard word processing program (e.g., Microsoft Word) using Times New Roman font size 12, 1.5 line-spaced, A4 page size with 2.5-cm margins on all sides of the paper, in one column and submit as doc, docx.
  3. It is advised not to use underline in the text and avoid footnotes.
  4. The text should not be in the status of track changes and should not have any comments or highlights.
  5. All dimensions and measurements must be specified in the metric system.
  6. Abbreviations, if used, should be defined on their first appearance in the text (separately in the abstract and in the main text).
  7. In the submission process, at meta data stage, all authors must be entered exactly according to the title page of the article and in the same order, and each must have an email.

Cover letter

A cover letter should accompany all manuscripts submitted to AJBM indicating that the manuscript has been submitted essentially to this journal and has not previously been published in any form in another publication of any type, with the exception of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis. The corresponding author should give the undertaking that if any animal/human studies carried was in accordance with their country regulatory and institutional ethical committee with proper registration of the study in the clinical registry.

Research Article

  • Title page: This should provide manuscript title; full names of all authors and their institutional addresses; name, full institutional address, phone, and email of the corresponding author; running title of no more than 60 characters, including spaces; number of tables and figures. The manuscript title and running title should not be written entirely in capital letters and only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized. All this information should be on one page.
  • Abstract: The abstract should be on the second page of the file. First give the title of the article again and then the text of abstract. The abstract should be comprehensive but concise consisting of no more than 300 words and should be unstructured into paragraphs (one page). It should be followed by a list of 3-5 carefully chosen keywords, which should be in accordance with MeSH system.
  • Introduction: It should be start from the beginning of the third page and should present state of knowledge up-to-date, the aim and the background of the studies and explain how original is the aim. At the end of the introduction, the purpose of the study should be stated under the heading of objectives.
  • Materials and Methods: It should be start from the beginning of the page. Methods should describe the investigated group, applied methods and the statistical analysis. Experimental procedures should be given in sufficient detail to allow these to be replicated by other researchers. The source of the various materials used in the study should be given, where possible.
  • Results: It should be start from the beginning of the page. Results should be presented very in a logical fashion, with no need for the reader to solve. Tables and figures should complement the text of the results, not contain duplicate data, be given at the end of the file and referenced in the text. Regarding the P value report, keep in mind that the value 0.000 is not valid and should be written as <0.001.
  • Discussion: It should be start from the beginning of the page. The obtained results should be discussed in the light of any previous research and available literature. In discussion one should not repeat the results presented in the results section.
  • Conclusions: Conclusions should refer to the aims of study and be presented in precise form.
  • Footnotes: It should be start from the beginning of the page and includes the following:
    • Acknowledgements: The authors should first acknowledge the sources of any support for the work in the form of grants, equipment, or drugs presented in their article followed by any personal credits.
    • Author’s contributions: Based on the ICMJE guidelines for authorship criteria, you should explain in what areas each author has contributed to the article including: Conceptualization and methodology, Data collection, Data analysis and interpretation, Drafting the article, Revising and final approval of the manuscript.
    • Conflict of Interests: Include a detailed disclosure of any competing interests (financial or others) that may have affected the research or the conclusions drawn from the study. If none, state 'None to declare′.
    • Funding/Support: All manuscripts should have a funding/support statement. The funding agency should be written out in full, followed by the grant number. If none, state 'None′.
    • Ethical statements: It should include ethical principles, ethical codes, registration number in clinical trial registries approved by the World Health Organization (if applicable), and any points related to the observance of ethics in the manuscript.
    • List of abbreviations: For standard abbreviations, authors should follow the guidelines in the Council of Biology Editors Style Manual, 5th edition. All other abbreviations should be defined when first used and listed in a footnote; Abbreviations PDF.
    • References: Authors must ensure that all references are cited accurately and those in the main text body are also included in the list of references and vice versa. References should list all the bibliographical sources cited in the text, in the order of their appearance. Citations in the text should be put in square brackets. Standard abbreviations should be used for journal names (according to Index Medicus). All references should be compiled at the end of the paper in the Vancouver style  (based on the American Medical Association (AMA) Manual of Style,11th ed.) . References must be out of EndNote mode, in text format. Doi or PMID or PMCID is required if available.
      Journal Reference: e.g. Rosenau C, Emery D, Keyboard B, Qoronfleh MW. Development of a high-throughput plate-based chemiluminescent transcription factor assay. J Biomol Screen. 2004; 9:334-42.
      Article within a book: e.g. Oyer RA, Schlossberg D. Hematologic changes in tuberculosis. In: Schlossberg D, editor. Tuberculosis & Nontuberculous Mycobacterial infections. 5th ed. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill; 2007. pp. 357–64.
      Newspaper article: e.g. Tynan T. Medical improvements lower homicide rate: study sees drop in assault rate. The Washington Post. 2002 Aug 12;Sect. A:2 (col. 4).
      Conference paper: e.g. programming. ASCO 2012: Role of IL32 in esophageal cancer.
      Unpublished material: e.g. Kim H, Philip N, Meashil E. Role of TLR4 in myocardial injury throuh NF-kB pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. In press 2004.
    • Tables: Tables should be given at the end of the file after the references. They should complement and not repeat information provided in the main text body. Each table should be given on a separate page with a brief title; the table number and title appear above the table body. All table columns must have a heading and any abbreviations or statistical test should be explained in footnotes. Regarding the P value report, keep in mind that the value 0.000 is not valid and should be written as <0.001. Tables must be created in Microsoft Word. All rows and columns should have simple border line and no shading.
    •  Figures and photos: Figures and photos should be numbered in sequence using Arabic numerals and they should be given at the end of the file after the last table. Each figure or photo should be given on a separate page. The legend of the figure should come after that. The authors could submit an electronic version of the figures included as separate files. Every figure and photo should be titled and pointed where it should appear in a main text. Authors can also submit figures files individually in following formats: TIF at the standard resolutions (i.e. 300 dpi for photos, 600 dpi for line art), JPG, JPEG, PNG, all sized at the final print size. Other figure formats may be supported, but DO NOT USE PDF, PPT, or PS files.

Guidelines for Human Phenotype–Genotype Association

Refer to existing public domain websites for the Human Gene Ontology name and the number for SNPs, for more information sees:

Guidelines for Proteins and Nucleic Acid Sequences

The authors must provide a statement in the manuscript that protein sequences must be deposited in GenBank or EMBL databases, and an accession number must be obtained. this sequence has been scanned against the database and all sequences with significant relatedness to the new sequence identified, for more information click this Website:

Guidelines for Genomic and Proteomic Studies

Data should follow the MIAME checklist, for more information see:

For the NCBI gene expression and hybridization array data repository; see

Accepted manuscript

Check for plagiarism through iThenticate

Once manuscript pass plagiarism the acceptance the editor office will ask you to supply a Word file of the final version of your paper with all figures cited in original place. You must ensure that the file has been updated to incorporate all revisions. The article will be processed and you will receive the proofs for any further corrections in paper, authors and their addresses. The correction must be completed with 48-hours from receiving the proof otherwise the DOI number of manuscript will be activated and any further corrections will be appear in Cross Mark. The final published paper will be appearing as abstract only for limited access and PDF/full-text to open access article. The captions (legends) will be inserted below the figures, tables, Photographs, clinical images, photomicrographs, gel electrophoresis and cited though the paper.

Other types of Articles send as Word file direct to Editor office

Article processing fee

The article review process is free of charge, but once accepted, authors are required to pay for the publication of the article in accordance with the journal's policies.