Month: February 2023

End results of surgical treatment in unknown primary vertebral metastases malignancy

Research Article

End results of surgical treatment in unknown primary vertebral metastases malignancy

José D. W., Monika E. Or, Fadel Guen

American Journal of BioMedicine Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023 Page 45-56
Received 23 August, 2022; revised 12 November, 2022; accepted 23 January, 2022; published 28 February, 2023 .

DOI: 10.18081/2333-5106/2023.11/45

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Prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection among hemodialysis patients: cohort study

Research Article

Prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection among hemodialysis patients: cohort study

Dimie Aruna, Abubakar Adereti, Easley A. Munir

American Journal of BioMedicine Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023 Page 36-44
Received 12 August, 2022; revised 30 November, 2022; accepted 11 January, 2022; published 23 February, 2023 .

DOI: 10.18081/2333-5106/2023.11/36

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Systematic review of cost effectiveness intraoperative radiation therapy compares with external beam radiation therapy in breast cancer

Research Article

Systematic review of cost effectiveness intraoperative radiation therapy compares with external beam radiation therapy in breast cancer

Joni A. Miller, Lian W. Parker

American Journal of BioMedicine Volume 11, Issue 1, 2023 Page 22-35
Received 30 September, 2022; revised 25 November, 2022; accepted 29 December, 2022; published 11 February, 2023 .

DOI: 10.18081/2333-5106/2023.11/22

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