Gonzalo Bertullo, Hildo RC Azevedo-Filho, Nivaldo S de Almeida, Paulo Thadeu Brainer-Lima, Renata Azevedo, Fernanda Azevedo
Retrospective cohort comparison study of gunshot wounds to the spine using available information gathered at two large urban trauma centers between 2009 and 2015. There are up to 33,000 cases of gunshot wounds to the spine annually in the United States, the majority of which resolve non-surgically. Despite this, they continue to be neurologically devastating, carrying long-lasting healthcare expenditures of, on average, two million dollars in direct and indirect costs, considerable physical and emotional burden for both the patient and family, and global societal impact. The epidemiology for spinal gunshot injuries is minimally understood, has been mostly described outside of the United States, and involves conflicting results, with regards to behaviors contributing to risk and the mortality rates associated with these injuries. The majority of retrospective studies address contamination with ballistic fragments and the risk or recovery associated with spinal infections. This study will determine the neurologic deficit (Asia Impairment Scale and American Spinal Injury Association scores), mortality, and surgical intervention rates associated with spinal gunshot wounds for several psychological and physical clinical carnage profiles. Materials and Methods: Gunshot wounds to the spine using available information gathered at two large urban trauma centers between 2009 and 2015. Information that was accessed for patients whose care was given at the centers was collected from pre-admission, admission, surgical, and discharge records; also comprising demographics, endocrinologic androgen levels, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), Dead and Cytoplasmic sperm reserves (DCSR), DSCS > 50% decrease, Basics Oriented Alcohol Screening Test (FAST), Active Duty military status, pre-injury physical profile, mechanism of injury, discharge American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Impairment Scale, and hospital and intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay.
Keywords: Gunshot wound; Gunshot wound to the spine; Spinal cord injury; Traumatic injury to the spine
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