Human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine: Gardasil reactions



With resolution of infection, HPV is not thought to be cytopathogenic. In fact, it is thought that the benign behavior of the HPV virus probably allows it to persist in a latent form in normal epithelial tissues. Indeed, most humans infected with oncogenic HPV appear to contain the virus in a dormant or non-replicating state, and the infection is topologically and temporally very stable. The persistence of HPV in stratified squamous epithelium may be dependent on the inability of the innate immune system to detect viral infection in basal epithelial tissues and might involve the limited immunogenicity of early products of the virus. In situ hybridization and PCR methods for detecting viral nucleic acids have shown that in experimental infection with highly oncogenic HPV types, several dysplastic human tissues harbor the virus in a non-cytopathogenic and latent form. Similarly, and in agreement with a viral latency model, it has been shown that the E7 immortalizing activity of HPV-16 can be completely diminished in NIH3T3 cells once pRB is inactivated by a mutation. In this regard, oncogenic HPV types may be similar to other human viruses, which, upon infection, may spontaneously enter an asymptomatic dormant or latent state. Preventive vaccines using virus-like particles are currently in use against HPV infection. They are very efficacious against the two high-risk oncogenic HPVs, which account for a significant percentage of cervical cancers. Virus-like particles are comprised of the L1 capsid protein of the HPV virus and carry no HPV DNA sequences; hence, they do not induce an HPV-related tissue response in the recipient. These vaccines are granted the status of "safe."

Key words: HPV vaccine; Cervical cancer; Cervarix; Gardasil

Copyright © 2014 by The American Society for BioMedicine and BM-Publisher, Inc.

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Review Article

American Journal of BioMedicine 2014, Volume 2, Issue 3, pages 102-115
Received 12 February 2014; accepted May 25, 2014, Published July 04, 2014

How to cite this article

Navarro SB, Peiris BM. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine: Gardasil reactions. American Journal of BioMedicine 2014;2(3):102-115.

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