Outcomes of patients undergoing radioimmunotherapy of bladder cancer: a prospective comparative assessment results from MD Anderson center registry

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American Journal of BioMedicine  Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2014

Babjuk D, Kiemeney E, Xun S, Xing N, Fullarton Q, Grossman J
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Blvd.
Unit Number: 1202
Houston, TX 77030
Room Number: ACB P1.2864


Radioimmunotherapy (RIT) uses an antibody labeled with a radionuclide to deliver cytotoxic radiation to a target cell. By its nature, RIT requires a tumor cell to express an antigen that is unique to the neoplasm or is not accessible in normal cells. 2002 FDA approved Ibritumomab tiuxetan (Zevalin) as RIT in treatment of refractory non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Further, in June 14, 2014 FDA restricted approval Zevalin in MD Anderson center as treatment of aging inoperable and non-responsiveness bladder cancer to usual chemo-radiotherapy. The purpose of this study is to comparative RIT aspects as first line treatment in the aging group bladder cancer to traditional chemotherapy or radiotherapy regimen. A non-randomized, prospective, comparative, single-study conducted included all old patients with refractory bladder cancer. Of the 51 patients enrolled, median age was 79.7 years and overall response rate was 75% vs. 23% , 25% in 2nd dose chemotherapy and radiotherapy respectively. All patient with RIT were CR, further, patients who had received one prior chemotherapeutic regimens had a higher response than those who had received more than two prior regimens (67% vs. 11%, P<0.001).

Keywords: Radioimmunotherapy; Ibritumomab; A non-randomized; Refractory bladder cancer


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