XMU-MP-1 A attenuates myocardial depression following endotoxemia in hyperlipidemic mice model

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Chenglin Wang¹, Pierre G. Demacker¹, David Shwann²*mail of corresponding author



Endotoxemia aggravates myocardial depression following abdominal surgery through stimulating excessive inflammatory response. Therefore, inhibited of inflammatory signaling pathway is a potential therapeutic role for cardiac injury following sepsis. The purposes of this study is to investigated the potential role of XMU-MP-1 in myocardial injury following sepsis combined with hyperlipidemia. C57/BL6 mice aged 4 to 6 months were treated with endotoxin (0.5 mg/kg, iv) for 6hs or CLP/3ds. Myocardial inflammatory mediators levels were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and left ventricle  function was assessed using a microcatheter system. Mononuclear cells in the myocardium were examined using immunofluorescence staining.Mice were treated with LPS (0.5mg/kg iv). and LVF was assessed by the hemodynemic measurements. XMU-MP-1 administration suppressed the over-expression of MST1 and MST2 and alleviated heart damage caused by sepsis complicated with hyperlipidemia. In conclusion, XMU-MP-1 alleviated myocardial injury through suppressing MST1 and MST2, offering an alternative medication for sepsis associated with hyperlipidemia.

Keywords: Hyperlipidemia; Endotoxin ; Cardiac injury; Sepsis

Copyright © 2016 by The American Society for BioMedicine and BM-Publisher, Inc.

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