Electrocautery approach in treatment of Onychocryptosis



One of the most common, painful and recurrent condition that need to be treated surgically is the Onychocryptosis or Ingrowing Toenail. Moreover, it is affected many individuals in active age groups of both sexes and implicated on their daily activities. This study intends to evaluate the application of electrocautery surgical procedure in the treatment of ingrown toenail. The selected 52 patients with affected toes were surgically treated by electrocautery surgery to release the nail plate from surrounding tissue and removing the granulation tissue if present. This study was extended from 1998 to 2017. The age of patients were range between 18-34 years. And according to gender, there were 36 (69.23%) and 16 (30.77%) male and female respectively. In all patients the big toe was affected, moreover 39 (75%) and 13 (25) out of 52 had bilateral and unilateral ingrown toenail respectively. All patients were operated under local anesthesia infiltration and using electrocautery. The small part of the junction of posterior and lateral nail folds of big toe were excised by electrocautery. Clinically, all the patients cured and the pain complaint and sufferings were relieved during daily activities with no recurrence for one year follow up. In conclusion, this study approved the ability of the simple, easy and cheap electrocautery technique in the treatment and improving clinical results with long term satisfactory outcome in the treatment of Ingrown toenail patient’s complaints. The authors recommends to implement this simple technique in the treatment of Ingrown toenail.
Keywords: Ingrown Toenails; Electrocautry; Onychocryptosis

Copyright © 2019 by The American Society for BioMedicine and BM-Publisher, Inc.

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Research Article
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18081/2333-5106/019-05/264-268
American Journal of BioMedicine Volume 7, Issue 5, pages 264-268
Received January 31, 2018; accepted April 30, 2019; published May 9, 2019

How to cite this article
Idan DS; Ali KO. Electrocautery approach in treatment of Onychocryptosis. American Journal of BioMedicine 2019;7(5):264-268.

Case report outline
1. Abstract
2. Keywords
3. Introduction
4. Methods
5. Results
6. Discussion
7. References

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