Month: April 2017

Assessment of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency among Iraqi multiple sclerosis patients by Echo color Doppler sonography

Hayder K. Hassoun¹, Riyadh W. Al Essawi¹, Taki Al Tiraihi², Nagham Al-Jussani¹, Zuhair Allebban³*  AbstractMultiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting central nervous system in dissemination fashion, time and place. Immune pathophysiology is considered as the main underlying cause of MS since its original description.  Recently, scientists hypothesized that chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) […]

An unusual cause of peritoneal ascitis: An isolated bilateral neuroblastoma

Xue-song Feng¹, Hui-xun Takagi, Ji-ru Feng*  AbstractNeuroblastoma (NB) is the most common extracranial solid tumor of infancy. It is an embryonal malignancy of the sympathetic nervous system arising from neuroblasts (pluripotent sympathetic cells). Most patients present with signs and symptoms related to tumor growth, although small tumors have been detected due to the common use of […]


Pulmonary tuberculosis coexist with lung cancer: case report

Leslie B. Silberstein¹, Kurrle M. Susan, Harubumi Kato*     Abstract Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) may coexist with lung cancer and share some similarities with these conditions. Thus, multidisciplinary team from infectious department doctors and oncologists to share their opinion in the treatment this case. The purpose of this paper is to present a case of […]