Issue 3

Table of contents 

Research Article
Montelukast effects on lymphocyte in asthmatic children
Page 173-179
Faraidwn H. Mustafa, Nidhal Abudul Kahder Salem, Shaswar Ali Mohamad, Estabraq AR. Al-Wasiti
Received February 12, 2021; revised May 30, 2021; accepted June 05, 2021; published July 11, 2021
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Clinical Case
Malformations of the cranio-cervical junction: basilar impression
Page 152-155
Gonzalo Bertullo, Viviana Cabrera
Received January 19, 2021; revised April 25, 2021; accepted May 10, 2021; published May 21, 2021
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Research Article
Mortality rate in cancer patients with COVID-19: meta-analysis data
Page 156-163
Nasser Ghaly Yousif
Received March 11, 2021; revised May 30, 2021; accepted May 19, 2021; published May 30, 2021
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Research Article
Over expression of IL-32β- exaggerated myocardial injury after ischemia and reperfusion in mice model
Page 110-122
Jonathan A. Serody, Kerry R. Russell, Rui Chen, Mark B. Ferrara
Received November 03, 2020; Accepted January 16, 2021; Published March 19, 2021
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American Journal of BioMedicine
Journal Abbreviation:  AJBM
ISSN: 2333-5106  (Online)
DOI Prefix: 10.18081/2333-5106
Frequency: Quarterly (four time/year)
Publisher: BM-Publisher