All manuscripts submitted to American Journal of BioMedicine must undergo a rigorous and structured review process, gaining approval from peer reviewers, editors for both science and language, electronic editors, and AJBM editor-in-chief before final publication. The detailed route to final publication is as follows:
®Peer review®End of peer review®First round of evaluation®Decision for acceptance/revision/rejection®Revision by the author(s)®Second round of evaluation®Decision for acceptance/revision/rejection®Final review by the journal’s Editor-in-Chief to ensure appropriate and valid academic content®Final acceptance®Payment of a publication fee by the author(s)®Language editing®Production®Proofreading by the scientific editor®Proofreading by the deputy editor®Final review by the BPG Editor-in-Chief®Release of online open-access papers in electronic form on the BPG website®Release of online papers on PubMed Central®Delivery of high-quality PDF reprints to the author(s)®End of the publication process.