Behaviors of adult stomach cancer: a retrospective study of 95 cases

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American Journal of BioMedicine  Volume 2, Issue 5, pages 624–633, May 2014

Richard G Dong; Meilan J Harris; Stephen F Scholand; Dan; Wen-Cheng; James; Nan Zhang 


Stomach cancer mostly affects older people and the average age of people when they are diagnosed is 69 years old. About 6 of every 10 people diagnosed with stomach cancer each year are 95 or older. Further, gastric cancer is an aggressive disease with nonspecific early symptoms. Its incidence and prognosis in young patients has shown considerable variability. To better understand gastric in these young patients, we revised 95 young patients aged <30 diagnosed with gastric cancer at MD Anderson Center from January 2008 through February 2013, including age at diagnosis, sex, tumor histology, ethnicity and type of treatment to demonstrate its specific clinical and pathological characteristics. The presented data show that 96.6% of tumor tissue histology was adenocarcinoma, male/female ratio was 1.1:1 and no significant relationship to the tobacco or alcohol used. Furthermore, the median survival time of these 95 patients was 5.8 months, 71.4% with late diagnosis and 41% has gastric family history. Further 49.6% with symptoms of ulcer that do not improve under adequate medical management. Our concluded is that adult gastric cancer exhibits different tumor behavior with delay diagnosis that affects the prognosis of the tumor.

Keywords: Gastric cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, Adult patients


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