Lynn Aricia, c, Arun B. Gopinatha, c, Mark Richardsa, b, Charles F. Lockwooda, c, Stephen W. Lyea
During the third trimester of pregnancy, the uterine cervix undergoes tremendous growth along with the vagina but not along the uterine corpus. Vaginal bleeding in the immediate post-natal period is, similarly to what happens during a menstrual cycle, due to endometrial shedding triggered by withdrawal of circulating steroid hormones. Furthermore, the presence of endometriosis in pre-menarcheal girls and even in severe stage in adolescents supports the theory that early-onset endometriosis may originate from retrograde uterine bleeding soon after birth. Endometrial glands in the fetal uterine corpus showed that nuclei increase in size with gestation. This marker of cellular activity plateaued at term and immediately after delivery. This review summarizes information related to the biological roles of uterine glands and their secretions in uterine neonate.
Keywords:Endometriosis; Bleeding; Neonate; Uterine gland; Endometrial shedding
Copyright © 2015 by The American Society for BioMedicine and BM-Publisher, Inc.
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