HPLC fractioning to study the synergy and antagonism of rue plant seeds alkaloid to inhibit topoisomerase II as antitumor

Research Article
American Journal of BioMedicine Volume 7, Issue 3, pages 136-149
Received April 11, 2019; Accepted July 02, 2019; Published August 13, 2019

Naser Jawad Kadhim 1, Dhifaf Zaki Aziz 1, Maysaa Adil Hadi


DNA topoisomerases are ubiquitous, enzymes needed to control topological problems encountered during DNA replication, transcription, recombination and maintenance of genomic stability. They proved to be valuable targets for cancer chemotherapy. The seeds alkaloids extract of Rue plant (Peganum harmala L. Zygophyllaceae) were fractioned by high performance liquid chromatography as a suitable technique, HPLC waters company, gradient, Nova-Pak, C18*, 4µm, 3.9x150mm, mobile phase  ACN-water pH10.7. Thirty-four separate solution depending on the retention time of eluents.  The aim of this study is to investigate the trace compounds relatively and used as inhibitors for the topoisomerase II enzyme, the study the poison and suppressor model inhibitions and the synergy and antagonism activity of fractions. The visicinone, harmine, visicine and harmaline, were (2.86, 0.75, 13.14, and 16.62 mg/100mg of plant powder. The harmine ˃vicicinone˃ harmaline˃ vicicine as enzyme inhibitors. The unknown trace compounds gave the best inhibition relatively, the alkaloid fractions gave higher inhibitory units of fraction effective (FE). Results of seeds alkaloid fractions showed that the FE in state of fraction mixture was 36% inhibitory units, while summation of FE of each fraction alone gave higher level than their mixture, where sum of FE of them was 1229% inhibitory units. The suppressor inhibition model according to highest percent of the remain supercoiled DNA plasmid than production of linear and open nicked circular with high value in F8 (84%), the poisons inhibition model activity according to the highest percent of linear and nicked open circular DNA plasmid with high level in F31 (88%). There are a trace compounds within some fraction but that the effectiveness of inhibitory relatively higher than known compounds (harmine, vicisinone, harmaline, and vicisine), this can be purified and used as somewhat better inhibitors. There is antagonism activity among seed alkaloids fractions. The all fractions showed a poison and a suppressor model inhibition action in varies percentage, the suppressor inhibition appear in high value in F8 (84%), while the poisons inhibition model gave high level in F31 (88%).

Keywords: P. harmala; Poison and Suppressor inhibition; Side effect; Tumor target

Copyright © 2016 by The American Society for BioMedicine and BM-Publisher, Inc.

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