Issue 3, Volume 11

First Issue, Volume 11, 2023, published at  March 31, 2023

Table of issue contents 

Treatment of disseminated TB with drug induced hepatitis/case study

Aran A Groover, Natalia A. Huan | Volume 10, Issue 1 | pages 1-5 |
Received October 12, 2021; revised December 22, 2021; accepted January 05, 2022; published January 16, 2022


Blurred vision and diplopia in full term vaginal delivery women

Hongmei Xu, Xue Nan Zong, Rui- Qin Yu | Volume 10, Issue 1 | pages 6-12 |
Received October 23, 2021; revised January 13, 2022; accepted January 30, 2022; published February 22, 2022

Multivariate analyses of triple-negative breast cancer compare with non-triple-negative breast cancer: A multicenter retrospective study

Nasser Ghaly Yousif, Emilyn Duarte Conceição | 10, Issue 1 | pages 13-24 |
Received November 28, 2021; revised January 19, 2022; accepted February 04, 2022; published February 28, 2022

PDF |Open access|

Role of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in treatment avascular necrosis of femoral head

Geraldine M. Zingoni, Pablo D.Castillo, Cynthia B. Aliperti, David J. Horst | Volume10, Issue 1 | pages 25-34 |
American Journal of BioMedicine
Journal Abbreviation:  AJBM
ISSN: 2333-5106  (Online)
DOI Prefix: 10.18081/2333-5106
Frequency: Quarterly (four time/year)
Publisher: BM-Publisher