Month: September 2016

Volume 4, Issue 9, September 2016

American Journal of BioMedicine Volume 4, Issue 9, September 2016         Table of contents Case Report Idiopathic cytopenia of undetermined significance (ICUS) treated with low dose of Lenalidomide David M. Steensma, Mark Papaemmanuil Received July 11, 2016; accepted September 01, 2016; published September 12, 2016; pp. 360-363 Research Article Effects of […]

Assessment of cervical cytomorphological changes in infertile women undergoing IVF/ICSI

 Ban Jumaa Qasim¹, Estabraq AR. Al wasiti²*, Rasha S. Abd-al-fatah³   AbstractThe aim of this study is to assess cervical cytomormophological changes in cervical smears taken from infertile women undergoing IVF/ICSI compared with normal fertile women. A case-control study of 100 cases were included, 50 infertile group and 50 normal fertile control group both in […]

XMU-MP-1 A attenuates myocardial depression following endotoxemia in hyperlipidemic mice model

Chenglin Wang¹, Pierre G. Demacker¹, David Shwann²*     AbstractEndotoxemia aggravates myocardial depression following abdominal surgery through stimulating excessive inflammatory response. Therefore, inhibited of inflammatory signaling pathway is a potential therapeutic role for cardiac injury following sepsis. The purposes of this study is to investigated the potential role of XMU-MP-1 in myocardial injury following sepsis combined with […]