Evaluation of medical teaching skills in undergraduate medical school: a cross-sectional questionnaire study

Research Article  
American Journal of BioMedicine Volume 4, Issue 5, pages 103-108
Received December 03, 20115; accepted April 12, 2016; published May 05, 2016

Badr Dahham Badr, Ahmed Hasan Raheem, Nasser Ghaly Yousif*¹ mail of corresponding author


Many medical schools have searched for ways to effectively and constructively evaluate performances of their faculty members and it is paramount to ascertain their effective by continuous evaluation and development of all teaching staff. The objective of this study are: to inform the allocation of medical school resources; to identify parts where teaching system can be updated; support methods for promotion by teachers; and to provide feedback and encouragement for teachers. A cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted from January, 2015 to June, 2015 and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the evaluation ratings, the effects of evaluation, the satisfaction of students in elective courses, and the attendance of students in elective courses. There is a growing commitment in teaching methodology to undergraduate medical students, but there are challenges faced faculty members are mainly attributed to lack of professional training on how to developed standard curriculum that addresses the teaching methodology aspects and there is a need to train teaching members as ‘training of trainers’ on how to teach medical students, regardless their previous scientific certification.

Keywords: Teaching methodology; Professional training; Teaching evaluation

Copyright © 2016 by The American Society for BioMedicine and BM-Publisher, Inc.



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