Table of contents
Topic Review
Role of SMAD/TGF-β signalling pathway in connective tissue diseases
Page 110-121
Xiao Li, Michael Bronner, John A. Ribeiro, Karen Oliveirar
Received December 12, 2020; revised April 06, 2021; accepted May 01, 2021; published May 11, 2021
Clinical Case
Malformations of the cranio-cervical junction: basilar impression
Page 122-141
Gonzalo Bertullo, Viviana Cabrera
Received January 19, 2021; revised April 25, 2021; accepted May 10, 2021; published May 21, 2021
Research Article
Relationship of Follicle Stimulating Hormone Receptor Gene Thr307Ala Polymorphism with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Iraqi women
Page 142-153
Zainab Kadhim Abed, Estabraq AR. Al-Wasiti, Ban Abbas Abdulmajeed, Nawfal Kamel Khiro
Received March 23, 2021; revised May 21, 2021; accepted June 02, 2021; published June 22, 2021
Research Article
Critical role of high-mobility-group proteins in kidney development/cross-talk Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway
Page 154-163
Mary Ann S. Arndt, William D. Wheaton, William R. Welch, Didier Payen
Received March 30, 2021; revised May 25, 2021; accepted June 02, 2021; published June 15, 2021
Research Article
Epidemiology of acute lung injury in patients with cerebrovascular accident: a retrospective study
Page 164-172
Mark F Wira, Qiong-Ying Hu, Zi-Yi Li, Guang-Kuo Li, Joseph B Becker
Received April 12, 2021; revised May 27, 2021; accepted June 11, 2021; published June 30, 2021

Journal Abbreviation: AJBM
ISSN: 2333-5106 (Online)
DOI Prefix: 10.18081/2333-5106
Frequency: Quarterly (four time/year)
Publisher: BM-Publisher