Evaluation of some biochemical parameters in fluid cysts and serum in different types of ovarian cysts

Research Article

American Journal of BioMedicine
Volume 10, Issue 3, August 11 2022, Pages 111-127 | http://dx.doi.org/10.18081/2333-5106/2022.10/111

Estabraq AR. Al-Wasiti 1*, Maysoon Mahmood Hussein 2, Sarab Hilal Abdulhussain 3 

Received April 30 2022   Revised  June 21 2022   Accepted July 20 2022   Published August 11 2022



Despite their high prevalence in women of different age, the aetiopathogenesis of ovarian cysts (O.C.) unknown. This study is aimed to evaluate the total protein bound hexose (TPHex), total protein (TP), total carbohydrate (TCHO), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and iron (Fe+2) in fluid of function, benign, and malignant ovarian cyst. Also demonstrate the change in serum PHex and LDH (of patients with ovarian cyst) and their roles in diagnosis of patients with malignant ovarian cyst. A cross sectional study included sixty- seven women with ovarian cyst (ten of them with functional cyst, thirty two with benign neoplastic cyst and twenty five of them with malignant  ovarian cyst). Twenty-six healthy women as a control group also participated in the current study. The age of subjects ranged from (twelve to sixty-seven) years. Different biochemical parameters were carried out in ovarian cyst fluid (O.C.F.) and in serum include (TPHex), total protein (TP), total carbohydrate (TCHO), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and iron (Fe+2). In the present study, a comparative study of biochemical parameters revealed that a significant increase in fluid (TPHex), total protein (TP), total carbohydrate (TCHO), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and iron (Fe+2) levels in malignant and benign ovarian cyst when compared with functional ovarian cyst, also there is a significant increase in malignant (O.C.F.) compared with benign (O.C.F.). In the serum, our study shows a highly significant elevation in PHex and LDL enzyme in patients with malignant and benign ovarian cysts compared with serum PHex and LDL of normal healthy control, while there is insignificant difference in serum PHex level in patients with malignant ovarian cyst compared with that of patients with benign ovarian cyst. There is no correlation between level of PHex in serum and fluid, while There is a direct correlation between LDH level in serum and fluid cyst. In conclusion, both fluid and serum LDH level can considered as a tumour marker for malignant ovarian cyst also there is a direct correlation between serum and fluid. Fluid TCHO level have a useful role in diagnosis of benign and malignant ovarian cyst. Iron is useful in differentiating endometrioid cyst from other types of cysts, but it is not useful in differentiating benign from malignant ovarian cyst.

Keywords: Ovarian cysts; PHex and LDL; Fluid TCHO

Copyright © 2022 Estabraq AR. Al-Wasiti et al. This article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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How to cite this article
Al-Wasiti E, Hussein MM, Abdulhussain SH. Evaluation of some biochemical parameters in fluid cysts and serum in different types of ovarian cysts. American Journal of BioMedicine. 2022; 10(3): 111-127. http://dx.doi.org/10.18081/2333-5106/2022.10/111



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