Table of contents
Research Article
Multifactorial inheritance of imminent preeclampsia: a case-control study
Page 141-154
Paula N. Williams, Sanjay P. Gupte, Mittendorf G. Riam, Lain Janan, Girija R. Wagh
Received February 28, 2020; Accepted June 09, 2020; Published July 12, 2020
Research Article
Incidence of left ventricular thrombus formation in acute and chronic anteroseptal myocardial infarction
Page 155-164
Haider Sobhy Al Hadad
Received March 26, 2020; Accepted June 22, 2020; Published July 26, 2020
Research Article
Cerebral blood flow and vasomotor reactivity assessment by using transcranial Doppler among Iraqi migraineurs-case control study
Page 165-177
Hayder K Hassoun, Ahmed MH Almudhafar, Zuhair Allebban, Shehab Altemimi, Hasanian A. AlSafar, Mohamed Rhadi
Received March 30, 2020; Accepted July 11, 2020; Published August 14, 2020
Research Article
Critical role of IL-32 invasion and metastasis of colonic cancer through upregulation of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2
Page 178-190
Chung Tsai, Hyo-Jin Kim, Jonthan Adrienneae
Received April 09, 2020; Accepted July 21, 2020; Published August 29, 2020
Research Article
IL-32 promotes lung cancer cell invasion and metastasis through p38 MAPK signaling pathway: Cancer-associated fibroblast-derived
Page 191-202
Sanjay Shete, Qing Kim, Xiongyan Wu, Xiaofeng Wang, Qiong Dong
Received April 22, 2020; Accepted August 25, 2020; Published September 04, 2020
Research Article
Radiographic manifestations of inoperable primary bronchogenic carcinoma
Page 203-212
Miaad Abdul Hussein Ahmed, Shaymaa Mustafa Khalid Al-Hayali, Nasser Ghaly Yousif
Received May 02, 2020; Accepted August 25, 2020; Published September 11, 2020
Research Article
Correlation between diabetes mellitus and left ventricular hypertrophy
Page 213-224
Haider Sobhy Al Hadad¹*, Basma Edankadhum, Karem Al Naffi
Received May 21, 2020; Accepted August 30, 2020; Published September 30, 2020

Journal Abbreviation: AJBM
ISSN: 2333-5106 (Online)
DOI Prefix: 10.18081/2333-5106
Frequency: Quarterly (four time/year)
Publisher: BM-Publisher
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